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Let's Be Honest

If you are thinking about waiting till the last minute to let me know, then get ready for my reaction. Please don't let me take my clothes off and you have no idea what you are doing. If you know that your dick ain't shit then don't subject me to this sad party. I came over to your house to have a good time and not to be bored. If I can't sit on your face because you got asthma then let me know ahead of time. If your dick can only stay hard for two minutes then let me know before I even put my lipstick on. I can waste my good Fenty lipstick on a man who can stay up long enough for me to kiss his cock. So as I am hitting the men upside the head, here goes something for the ladies. If you know that your sex is boring then don't waste this mans time. You knew before you got to his house that you were just going to lay on the bed and do nothing. If you are not going to bounce on the dick then leave and let another woman do your job. So now that the air is clear, lets all breath a little easier and do what fuck you came here to do. 


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